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Mart, 2020 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

12 Healthy Foods That Burn Belly Fat

Struggling to lose belly fat and  uncover your lower abs? Even a thousand sit-ups each day won’t reveal that hidden 6-pack unless you eat right! Try adding these  healthy eats to your diet  to burn off stubborn tummy fat! We’ve heard that abs are made in the kitchen, but do you know the recipe for it? To get the strong and shaped core you’ve been dreaming of, you need to rid your diet of junk and eat food that will not only  boost your metabolism but also burn the unwanted fat you have stored up. No matter how hard you work on getting that 6-pack, if you don’t eat the right food, it won’t ever show. It will forever be hiding under that layer of fat you feed with the wrong food choices you make. Let’s take a look at  12 food options  that will help you do just that. 1. Eggs Not only are eggs extremely delicious and packed with nutrients, but research has also shown that it actually helps in weight loss. Choose to have eggs for breakfast to start your day right.

11 Secret Flat Tummy Tips for Rapid Fat Loss

Don’t just aim to lose your belly fat because you want to look good come swimsuit season; lose it because having belly fat is more harmful than being obese. Obesity has been an extremely serious health issue for more than a decade now because it has been linked to a number of chronic and life-threatening diseases. But scientists and health experts have also been raising awareness about the bigger danger of abdominal fat and visceral fat. You may feel it’s okay if you have belly fat as long as your BMI is still within the healthy range, and you would be fatally wrong. Having a flat stomach is not just about vanity. The most recent study and the first one to focus on the health risks of abdominal fat has revealed that having a “spare tire” around your belly poses greater health risks than being obese. You read that right. You can have a normal BMI, but if you have belly fat, you are at  greater risk for serious diseases than people who are obese . Having a healthy BMI